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Corporate Disputes

Corporate Disputes

Corporate Disputes: Safeguarding integrity, resolving conflicts, and upholding corporate ethics through strategic legal counsel and adept resolution strategies.

Corporate disputes refer to a series of disputes arising from capital contribution, equity transfer, merger and acquisition, and corporate governance by stakeholders of a company in the process of incorporation, alteration and termination of the company. Such disputes include internal disputes among the company, its shareholders, executives and employees, and external disputes between the company, shareholders, directors and third parties. These type of disputes are bound to happen, that is why navigating the corporate disputes through arbitration should be made based on careful consideration of the specific circumstances, the applicable laws, and the preferences of the parties involved.


We provide our services in disputes related to companies in different fields and offer excellent advice to our clients in this area. We aim to be a fortress and a safe haven for these entities in the event of disputes arising from those companies.


Our legal experts in S & S Lawyers are trained well to deal with any disputes that arises in the corporate world, they have a wide experiences of dealing with a wide range of issues, such as disagreements over business strategies, decision-making, financial matters, contractual obligations, intellectual property rights, employment issues, and more.


Some examples are:

Shareholder Disagreements – Shareholders have the ownership stakes in the company, with their powers being delegated to a selected group known as the Board. So when certain shareholders do not agree with decisions made by the Board of Directors, a subset of shareholders may have differing expectations regarding the company’s future and direction. This often leads to common shareholder conflicts such as; differences in viewpoints regarding the company management, disputes over dividend distribution and company expansion, and concerns about the fair treatment of minority shareholders in terms of recognition and regard.

Shareholder Deadlock – A common cause of a deadlock is for example, when two directors with each holding 50% shares that holds different perspectives can result in a dispute.

Merger and Acquisition Disputes – Typically, when negotiations or after the completion of mergers or acquisition, issues such as valuation, terms, or post-merger integration can arise.

Employment Disputes – Common types of conflicts between employers and employees can arise when there are issues regarding wrongful termination, discrimination or simply a breach of employment contracts.

Disqualification of Director – There are obligations that a company director must fulfill, such as ensuring the company’s adherence to laws and regulations, exercising appropriate skills and diligence, and performing all duties with honesty. To fulfill these, they are required to attend board and general meetings where it involve discussions about the company’s operations and upcoming compliance requirements.

Intellectual Property Disputes – Disputes regarding the ownership or infringement of patents, trademarks, copyrights, or trade secrets can be caused and be engaged by companies. One great example of such dispute is when a company has a similar or identical trademark with the other company and in this case, the second company holds the registered trademark, which it has been using for several years.


These disputes can be handled by our legal professionals with the utilization of their years of experiences in the field.  They have tips and strategies for handling corporate disputes before seeking courts and tribunals which should be the last option, that is why we recommend to ask our legal experts for the perfect legal consultation before taking any legal action. Do not hesitate to call us via (06) 5305559 or email us at info@2s-lawyers.com.

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