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Honoring Women: Celebrating Emirati Women’s Day and their role in Our Society

Honoring Women: Celebrating Emirati Women's Day and their role in Our Society blog by S & S Lawyers (مكتب الدكتور صقر المرزوقي للمحاماة و الاستشارات القانونية) that is the leading law firm in sharjah, UAE consisting of experienced lawyers and advocates in Sharjah that provides high quality legal services to groups and individuals to help them with legal matters, including arbitration, civil, criminal law and crimes, real estate, personal status, and as well free legal consultation.

Emirati Women’s Day, celebrated annually on August 28th, is a day of profound significance in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It is an occasion to honor the achievements, resilience, and contributions of Emirati women who have played a pivotal role in shaping the nation. This day, initiated by Her Highness Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak, the Mother of the Nation, reflects the UAE’s commitment to empowering women and recognizing their integral role in the country’s development. In this article, we delve into the historical context, the remarkable strides Emirati women have made, and the continuing impact they have on the nation's social, economic, and political landscape.

1. The Genesis of Emirati Women’s Day

Emirati Women’s Day was established in 2015 by Her Highness Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak to commemorate the founding of the General Women's Union in 1975. This day serves as a platform to celebrate the achievements of Emirati women across various sectors and to inspire future generations. It is a reflection of the UAE's dedication to gender equality and the empowerment of women, which is enshrined in its constitution.

The decision to mark August 28th as Emirati Women’s Day aligns with the anniversary of the General Women's Union, a foundational body in the UAE that has long championed the rights and interests of women. The creation of this special day was also intended to encourage a broader dialogue about the role of women in society, highlighting their contributions, and addressing the challenges they face. The UAE's leadership has always believed in the power of women as catalysts for change, and this day stands as a testament to that belief.

2. The Role of Her Highness Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak

Known as the Mother of the Nation, Her Highness Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak has been a staunch advocate for women’s rights in the UAE. Her leadership has been instrumental in the advancement of women’s education, health, and participation in the workforce. Under her guidance, numerous initiatives have been launched to ensure that Emirati women have the resources and opportunities to succeed in all spheres of life.

Her Highness has been a driving force behind the development of various institutions that focus on women's welfare, including the Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood and the Family Development Foundation. These organizations have played a crucial role in advancing women’s rights and ensuring that their voices are heard. Her Highness’s vision is rooted in the belief that the empowerment of women is essential for the overall development of society, and she has worked tirelessly to create an environment where women can thrive.

3. A Historical Perspective on Women’s Empowerment in the UAE

The journey of women’s empowerment in the UAE has been remarkable. From the early days of the union, women have been integral to the nation’s growth. The UAE’s leadership has consistently supported women’s participation in public life, ensuring that they are represented in key sectors, including government, business, and education. The establishment of institutions like the General Women's Union, the Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood, and the Family Development Foundation has further solidified the role of women in the UAE.

Historically, Emirati women have always been active contributors to their communities, whether through traditional roles in family and society or through participation in economic activities such as trading and craftsmanship. The rapid development of the UAE in the 20th century opened up new opportunities for women, with education and healthcare being prioritized by the nation's leadership. This focus on development created a solid foundation for the future, enabling women to take on more prominent roles as the country modernized.

4. Emirati Women in Education: Pioneers of Knowledge

Education has been a cornerstone of women’s empowerment in the UAE. Today, Emirati women outnumber men in higher education, with females constituting 77% of university graduates. Women in the UAE are not just participants in the educational system but are leaders, educators, and innovators. This shift towards higher educational attainment has translated into greater participation in the workforce and leadership roles.

The emphasis on education has also led to the establishment of numerous universities and research institutions that cater to women’s academic and professional growth. Institutions like Zayed University and the United Arab Emirates University have developed programs specifically designed to nurture the talents of young women and prepare them for leadership roles in various sectors. The high level of educational attainment among Emirati women has also contributed to their growing influence in fields such as law, medicine, engineering, and the arts.

5. Women in the UAE Workforce: Breaking Barriers

Emirati women have made significant inroads into the workforce, occupying positions of influence in both the public and private sectors. From government officials and CEOs to entrepreneurs and innovators, women are contributing to the UAE’s economy in unprecedented ways. The government has implemented policies that promote gender equality in the workplace, ensuring that women have access to the same opportunities as their male counterparts.

The UAE's labor market has seen a significant increase in female participation over the past few decades. Women now account for a substantial portion of the workforce in sectors traditionally dominated by men, such as finance, law, and technology. Additionally, government initiatives such as the Gender Balance Council, established in 2015, have furthered efforts to close the gender gap in the workplace. The council’s work has led to the UAE ranking as a regional leader in gender equality, particularly in areas such as political empowerment and economic participation.

6. Political Participation and Leadership

The UAE has made considerable progress in increasing the political participation of women. Emirati women now hold 50% of the seats in the Federal National Council, one of the highest percentages in the world. This representation underscores the UAE’s commitment to gender parity in leadership roles. Women in the UAE are also serving as ministers, ambassadors, and in other high-ranking positions, playing a critical role in shaping the country’s policies and future.

The rise of women in political leadership within the UAE is a testament to the country’s progressive vision. Women like Her Excellency Noura Al Kaabi, Minister of Culture and Youth, and Her Excellency Reem Al Hashimy, Minister of State for International Cooperation, have become key figures in the UAE's government, influencing both domestic and international policy. Their leadership has not only advanced the interests of women but has also contributed to the UAE's standing as a global leader in various fields.

7. Women in Business: The Rise of Female Entrepreneurs

Female entrepreneurship is on the rise in the UAE, with women establishing businesses across various industries, from technology and finance to retail and hospitality. The government has launched several initiatives to support female entrepreneurs, including access to funding, training, and mentorship programs. Organizations like the Dubai Business Women Council and the Abu Dhabi Businesswomen Council provide platforms for networking and professional development, helping women to succeed in the competitive business environment.

The entrepreneurial spirit among Emirati women is reflected in the growing number of female-owned businesses. These enterprises are not only contributing to the economy but are also driving innovation and sustainability. Government initiatives such as the Mohammed Bin Rashid Fund for SME support and the Khalifa Fund for Enterprise Development have been instrumental in providing financial and technical support to women entrepreneurs, enabling them to bring their business ideas to fruition. The success of these entrepreneurs is changing perceptions and creating new opportunities for the next generation of women leaders in business.

8. The Role of Women in UAE’s Cultural and Social Landscape

Emirati women have also made significant contributions to the cultural and social fabric of the UAE. They are artists, writers, and filmmakers, preserving the nation’s rich heritage while also pushing the boundaries of creative expression. Women in the UAE are actively involved in social initiatives, advocating for environmental conservation, humanitarian aid, and community development.

The cultural sector in the UAE has seen a surge in female participation, with women leading projects that highlight the country's history, traditions, and values. Emirati women like filmmaker Nayla Al Khaja and artist Ebtisam AbdulAziz have gained international recognition for their work, showcasing the UAE's culture on global platforms. Moreover, women are also at the forefront of social change, working with organizations such as the Emirates Red Crescent and Dubai Cares to address social issues and improve the quality of life for communities both within the UAE and abroad.

9. Health and Well-being: Prioritizing Women’s Health

The UAE has made significant strides in improving the health and well-being of women. The government has implemented numerous initiatives aimed at providing women with access to high-quality healthcare services. These initiatives include regular health screenings, maternal and child health programs, and campaigns focused on raising awareness about issues such as breast cancer and mental health.

Women’s health has been a priority for the UAE, with the government investing in state-of-the-art healthcare facilities and services that cater specifically to women. Programs such as the "Pink Caravan" initiative, which raises awareness about breast cancer and provides free screenings, have had a significant impact on women’s health outcomes. Additionally, the UAE has made mental health a key focus, recognizing the importance of holistic well-being for women in both their personal and professional lives.

10. Emirati Women in Science and Technology

In recent years, Emirati women have increasingly ventured into the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). They are not only participating in these fields but are excelling, with many women holding leadership roles in research, innovation, and technology development. The UAE government’s focus on creating a knowledge-based economy has further encouraged women to pursue careers in STEM, contributing to the nation’s technological advancement.

Emirati women are making their mark in STEM, with notable achievements such as the UAE's Mars Mission, which saw a significant contribution from female engineers and scientists. The role of women in this landmark project underscores the growing importance of gender diversity in STEM fields. Educational institutions and government programs are actively encouraging young women to pursue careers in science and technology, recognizing that their contributions are vital to the UAE's future as a leader in innovation and technology.

11. The Future of Women’s Empowerment in the UAE

The future of women’s empowerment in the UAE looks bright, with ongoing efforts to enhance the role of women in all sectors. The UAE Vision 2021 and the UAE Centennial 2071 both highlight the importance of gender equality and women’s empowerment as key to the nation’s development. These initiatives aim to ensure that women continue to be at the forefront of the UAE’s progress, contributing to a more inclusive and prosperous society.

As the UAE continues to evolve, the role of women will undoubtedly expand further. The government's long-term strategies include increasing female participation in all areas of public life, with particular focus on leadership positions in the public and private sectors. The emphasis on education, innovation, and entrepreneurship will ensure that women are well-prepared to meet the challenges of the future, driving the UAE towards greater prosperity and global influence.

12. Recognizing Inspirational Emirati Women

Throughout the years, numerous Emirati women have made remarkable contributions to their fields. From space exploration to humanitarian work, these women serve as role models for future generations. Their stories of perseverance, dedication, and success are celebrated on Emirati Women’s Day, inspiring others to pursue their dreams and contribute to the nation’s development.

The recognition of these trailblazing women is not just limited to their achievements but also their role in inspiring future generations. Figures like Dr. Hayat Sindi, a leading biotechnologist, and H.E. Sarah Al Amiri, Chairwoman of the UAE Space Agency, are not only breaking new ground in their respective fields but also mentoring and supporting young Emirati women to follow in their footsteps. The stories of these women highlight the endless possibilities for Emirati women and serve as powerful reminders of the impact that education, determination, and support can have on achieving one's goals.

13. The Impact of Emirati Women on Global Platforms

Emirati women are not just making an impact within the UAE but are also representing the nation on global platforms. They are diplomats, international leaders, and participants in global forums, contributing to international dialogue on issues ranging from climate change to women’s rights. Their involvement in global affairs reflects the UAE’s commitment to being an active player on the world stage.

The global influence of Emirati women can be seen in their participation in international organizations and their role in diplomacy. Women like Lana Nusseibeh, the UAE’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, are shaping international policy and advocating for issues such as gender equality, sustainable development, and peacebuilding. The UAE's active promotion of women's roles in global diplomacy highlights its commitment to a diverse and inclusive approach to international relations.

14. Challenges and Opportunities for Emirati Women

While Emirati women have achieved significant milestones, challenges remain. Balancing traditional roles with modern aspirations, overcoming societal expectations, and addressing gender biases are some of the issues that women continue to face. However, the UAE’s progressive policies and societal support provide a conducive environment for women to overcome these challenges and seize new opportunities.

The challenges faced by Emirati women are not unique but are shared by women globally. However, the UAE’s commitment to addressing these challenges through policy, education, and social initiatives provides a robust framework for progress. Efforts to promote work-life balance, support for mothers in the workforce, and ongoing campaigns to challenge and change outdated perceptions are just some of the ways the UAE is working to create a more equitable society. As these efforts continue, the opportunities for Emirati women to succeed and lead in all areas of life will only grow.

15. Conclusion: Celebrating the Spirit of Emirati Women

Emirati Women’s Day is more than just a celebration; it is a recognition of the vital role that women play in the UAE’s ongoing success. It is a day to honor the achievements of the past and to look forward to a future where Emirati women continue to lead, innovate, and inspire. As the nation progresses, the contributions of Emirati women will undoubtedly remain a cornerstone of the UAE’s development, shaping a bright and prosperous future for all.

The celebration of Emirati Women’s Day is not just about acknowledging past accomplishments but also about committing to the future. It is a day that encapsulates the spirit of the UAE—a nation that values its citizens, fosters innovation, and embraces progress. As we look to the future, the empowerment of women will remain a key priority, ensuring that the UAE continues to thrive as a leading nation in the region and the world.


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